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    Guinea fowl tortelli, Grana Padano, mushrooms and crispy speck

    Group 393Medium
    Group 3824 people
    T4120 min


    • 400 g 00 grade flour
    • 5 eggs
    • 50 g Grana Padano
    • 400 g guinea fowl meat (cooked)
    • Salt
    • Nutmeg
    • 250 g Grana Padano (grated)
    • 280 g fresh cream
    • Pepper
    • 250 g honey mushrooms
    • 1 garlic clove
    • 100 g sliced speck
    • Herbs (thyme and marjoram)


    STEP 1

    To prepare the dough for the tortelli, mix 4 eggs with the flour in a stand mixer. When the mixture is smooth and even, shape into a ball and cover with cling film; leave to rest in the fridge for at least one hour.

    STEP 2

    To prepare the filling, in a mixer combine the guinea fowl meat, 1 egg, 50 g of grated Grana Padano, a pinch of nutmeg, and salt and pepper. Blitz until the mixture is smooth and even.

    Roll out a thin sheet of pasta and cut out 4-cm squares using a cutter. Put a bit of filling in the middle of every square and close the squares by folding first into triangles, then joining the two extremities at the base around your finger and pressing well around the edges.

    STEP 3

    Clean and coarsely chop the mushrooms. Cook in a pan with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and a clove of garlic for 15 minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste and a few leaves of thyme.

    In a hot pan, cook the slices of speak on both sides until crispy. When cooked, chop the speck coarsely on a board.

    STEP 4

    To make the fondue, in a small saucepan heat the fresh cream on medium heat and add the grated Grana Padano. Stir well and add pepper to taste. Set aside.

    Cook the tortelli in boiling water for 2-3 minutes.
    Serve with the Grana Padano fondue and mushrooms, garnished with the crispy speck.